
Monday, May 14, 2018

The woman behind the curtain

Hey there, friends!

When I'm not writing sweet romance, I write a blog and newspaper column (yes, an actual newspaper, the kind you can pick up and turn pages). If you'd like to read a little more about me, click on over to find out who Amberlee Day is when she (me) isn't swooning over romantic heroes.

There's also a little insight there about the story behind my latest book, The Country Gentleman. 

The Trees and I 

Click on over to get the whole story!

Monday, April 30, 2018

Lemon balm, or stinging nettle?

What's your guess? If you said lemon balm, you're correct. This is a small sample of what's growing right off my back deck. It smells just like fresh lemons, delicious!

What are your favorite scents? Comment and let me know. Besides lemon, my favorites are vanilla and pumpkin. Nothing flowery for me. I prefer smells that make me think something yummy's cooking.

Here's a challenge for you: Find something that smells wonderful and keep it close enough to enjoy along with your latest read. That is called taking a mental vacation, right there. 

Happy reading! And smelling. 😏


Click here for this sweet read!